Volvo Photo Locations Part 136
Historic Volvo Photography Locations Overview

2013 - Volvo C30 Electronic

2013 – Volvo C30 Electric Generation II at Östra Eriksbergsgatan in Eriksberg in Göteborg, Sweden 🇸🇪.

2013 - Östra Eriksbergsgatan in Göteborg (Google Streetview)

2013 – Östra Eriksbergsgatan in Göteborg (Google Streetview)

Östra Eriksbergsgatan is a street in the Eriksberg area in Göteborg. The building pictured above is built in 2008 and is owned by HSB, which rents apartment out to Brf Masten.

The house was designed by the same architect firm Clarion Hotel Post, characterized by a high standard with a cozy lobby, carpeted floors and the fantastic roof terrace which members have access to. There you can enjoy the sun, and sweeping views of the harbor entrance.

HSB Ostra-Eriksbergsgatan

Bostadsrättsföreningen Masten on Eriksbergsvägen was completed in 2008 with 54 apartments. Developers, HSB Göteborg and architect, Semrén & Månsson. Right from the start there was the idea that Brf Masten would be built for meetings. There is room for a sitting area in the main entrance and a communal roof terrace. The balconies are a little crooked on the front so you can see the neighbors. The idea is that you will feel at home at the entrance, and might not be in such a hurry to close the door to his room.

Ostra-Eriksbergsgatan map2

Ostra-Eriksbergsgatan map

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Historic Volvo Photography Locations Overview