Volvo Photo Locations Part 247

2016 – Volvo XC60 with Renée Voltaire at the corner of Tavastgatan and Blecktornsgränd on Södermalm in Stockholm

2016 – Volvo XC60 at the corner of Tavastgatan and Blecktornsgränd on Södermalm in Stockholm

2016 – Blecktornsgränd in Stockholm (Google Streetview)
Blecktornsgränd is a street on Södermalm in Stockholm. Blecktornsgränd runs from Mariaberget in the north towards Mariatorget in the south, crossing streets like Bastugatan, Tavastgatan (in this photo), Brännkyrkagatan and Hornsgatan.
Street name is known since the 1600s as Bläcktorns gränden which could be translate as “Ink tractor alley”.
Between Tavastgatan and Brännkyrkagatan street consists of stairs, a can be seen on the photo.
On Peter Tillaeus map from 1731 shows a tower-like building on the corner current Brännkyrkagatan / Blecktornsgränd with the text “Blectorn”.
For the name’s origins there are various explanations. According to Björn Hasselblad (Stockholmskvarter) there was a tower where they bleached fabrics, while the authors of the book Stockholm street names mean Tillaeus writing about Blectorn “should be perceived as a wrong writing or error for “Blecktorn (Tin Tower) and possibly refers to a ton with a roofing tin or tin plates. In 1720 there was a mentioning the street as “Lijktorns hill” probably alludes to the steep and uncomfortable street. In the 1600s, known complained that it was impossible to enter the street with a load of packages.
About Renée Voltaire:
“Food has always been a big part of my life. I have helmed coffee shops, bakeries restaurants and catering companies.
The entire time I’ve been cooking and eating good, healthy food, ideas for new products have been on my mind.
I know how important right food is for my body and how much it affects my energy and joy of life.”

2016 – Volvo Business Lease Campaign with Renee Voltaire
Who is Renée Voltaire?
“I consider myself a happy rebel. My goal is to redefine the health culture by making innovative products that gives customers a better, healthier, easier and a more enjoyable eating experience.
I founded the company in 2005. Today we have 25 employees and we’re continuing to expand. Our biggest focus is on develop and producing new products. We also offer courses, cookbooks and health-inspiring journeys.
In our own production creates new and creative food products with love and big enthusiasm. To get optional nutrition and flavor, a lot of our products are soaked, sprouted and dehydrated in low temperature. We are very proud of our production process. A lot of work goes into every product. It is a lot of work behind every product (it doesn’t just work chefs here). Here at the office every department works diligently with everything from packaging, marketing, financial governance, sales, etc. Even here it flows creative new ideas and magnificent visions. ”
More information at, and