In the midst of the political debate on public safety and its effects on daily life, an event addressing security, surveillance and new technology will be held in Amsterdam: World-Information.Org.

While the citizens continue to hope to see more blue uniforms on the beat, they instead see overhead the black of security cameras.  The deployment of worldwide digital networks also increases the possibilities for observation and monitoring. World-Information.Org poses the question: are we capable of monitoring those who monitor us? World-Information.Org presents an overview of the history of worldwide communication networks, of trends in the monitoring of those networks and of what lies in the future. Artworks and installations by, among others, Marko Peljhan, Critical Art Ensemble, Institute for Applied Autonomy and Arthur Elsenaar and Taco Stolk explore the boundaries of these issues.  Find the route with the fewest cameras, listen in on satellite communications, and protect yourself from other people’s mobile phones!

The WIO Workspace in the church is a temporary media lab where discussions, hands-on demonstrations from the artists, and workshops will take place.  On 6th and 7th December an international conference on the subject of surveillance, security and freedom of networks will be held in De Balie, Amsterdam.

Speakers at the opening will be Elly Plooij, VVD member of the European Parliament, and Alexander Patijn, adviser to the Ministry of Justice.

World-Information.Org is an initiative of Public Netbase/t0, and has been organised in Amsterdam in cooperation with Waag Society, De Balie and Netherlands Media Art Institute, Montevideo/TBA.
Oude Kerk, Oudekerksplein, Amsterdam