Volvo Photo Locations Part 9

1961 – Volvo P1800 (source)

1961 – Volvo P1800 (source)

1961 - Volvo P1800

2011 - Volvo P1800 at Hotell Fars Hatt in Kungälv

2004 - Hotell Fars Hatt in Kungälv (own photo)
Volvo P1800 was designed in 1957 by sailing legend Pelle Petterson but put into production with sales starting only in 1961 and it also raised the club celebrated its 50 th anniversary at Hotel Fars Hatt in Kungälv where the car was unveiled to the press on 3: the May 1961.
In May 2011, 50 years later, the project team came together again at Hotell Fars Hatt in Kungälv.
In Juli 2004, I got married in the Kungälv church and our wedding party was at Hotell Fars Hatt.
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Hello! I would like to buy a photo and that is the one from 3th of May 2011 from the parkingplace with all of P1800
Best regards
Elisabeth Bülow
2025-02-15 @ 06:49
Hej Elisabeth!
Jag är inte ägaren till bilden du önska att köpa och webbsida Kungälvsnyheter finns inte längre. Hoppas att du kan hitta ägaren genom att söker efter fotografens namn. Bästa hälsningar, Guido
2025-02-15 @ 10:18