Unkown Volvo Photo Locations
Volvo Photo Locations
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To complete the collection of Volvo Photo Locations, I am looking for the locations where the following photos on this page between 1927 and 1977 and on the next page between 1978 and today, were made.

Please comment under this or that page or use my contact form or at Instagram. Thank you for any tips!

Your help and any tips are highly appreciated.

1927 – Volvo ÖV4 – one of the 10 prototypes on a testdrive in Hovås or Kunglälv? This is one of the three prototypes that drove from Stockholm, where they were made, to Göteborg. Behind the wheel was John Andersson. Photo is from Ratten magazine, nr 2 1962.

1934 – Volvo TR 675 with special body for prisoner transportation, somewhere in Göteborg, but what street?

1941 – Volvo PV56 with Gas Generator somewhere in Göteborg or Stockholm, but where? Photography by Karl Werner Gullers / KW Gullers for Ratten magazine.

1941 – Volvo PV56 with Gas Generator somewhere in Göteborg or Stockholm, but where? Photography by Karl Werner Gullers / KW Gullers for Ratten magazine.

1941 – Volvo PV56 with HP-1 Gas Generator somewhere in Göteborg or Stockholm, but where? Photography by Karl Werner Gullers / KW Gullers for Ratten magazine.

1954 – Volvo PV 444 on Golf Course near coast or lake, but where?

1956 – Volvo PV444 at book store, somewhere in Göteborg?

1958 – Volvo PV455 Duett at Summer House, but where?

1958 – Volvo PV444 in Peru, is this at Fortress of Saqsaywaman in Cuzco Peru?

1959 – Volvo PV544 in New York USA, but with street?

1960 – Volvo P1800, also somewhere in West Sussex in England, but where?

1960 – Volvo P1800, somewhere in Göteborg?

1960 – Volvo P1800 at wooden house with remarkable bear statue, but where?

1962 – Volvo P1800 same persons, different wheels?

1962 – Volvo P1800 same persons, different wheels?

1962 – Volvo P1800 same persons, same wheels?

1962 – Volvo P1800 in New York, in Brooklyn with view on Manhattan, but where?

1961 – Volvo P1800 with horse, in England or Sweden?

1961 – Volvo P120 Amazon with donkey, somewhere in Denmark maybe?

1961 – Volvo P120 Amazon with donkey, somewhere in Denmark maybe?

1962 – Volvo P1800, somewhere near Malmö, maybe near the (current) location at the Öresundsbridge?

1964 – Volvo 1800S with gliders in the background, could it be at Göteborgs Segelflygklubb on Flygfältsvägen 21, Alingsås?

1964 – Volvo P1800 is mountains during winter time.

1964 – Volvo P1800 at Slott in Sweden, but where?

1964 – Volvo Amazon, looks like somewhere in Göteborg, but where?

1965 – Volvo Duett P210 from Pomona at Svenska Lloyd in Göteborg, but where?

1965 – Volvo Amazon in (fishing) harbor, could be France?

1965 – Volvo Amazon somewhere in Sweden or Norway?

1965 – Volvo Amazon, looks like in the middle or north part of Sweden or Norway?

1965 – Volvo Amazon, is this in the harbor of Långedrag or somewhere else on the west coast?

1965 – Volvo Amazon, is this in the harbor of Malmö or Helsingborg?

1965 – Volvo Duett P210 as TGOJ Trafik AB, working at railroad, maybe somewhere in Göteborg?

1965 – Volvo PV 544 at Marianne Shop in Göteborg, but where? Was this in Arkaden?

1965 – Volvo 1800 S at Marianne Shop in Göteborg, but where? Was this in Arkaden?

1965 - Volvo 1800 S, maybe in Helsingfors / Helsinki near the famous stairs on Regeringsgatan or is it Italy?

1965 – Volvo 1800 S, maybe in Helsingfors / Helsinki near the famous stairs on Regeringsgatan or is it Italy?

1966 – Volvo Amazon Estate at horse farm – hästgård, somewhere in Sweden

1966 – Volvo Amazon Estate, but where?

1966 – Volvo 144 Taxi in Stockholm or Göteborg?

1967 – Volvo 121-122 S somewhere in northern Sweden, but where is this waterfall?

1967 – Volvo Amazon at a new home, somewhere in Sweden, but where?

1967 – Volvo 144, somewhere in Sweden, where?

1967 – Volvo 144 at entrance of a hotel or headquarter in Göteborg maybe, but where?

1967 – Volvo 144 S, on a motorway outside Göteborg?

1968 – Volvo 142 somewhere in the north of Sweden or maybe Norway?

1968 – Volvo 144 at hotel in Denmark or Sweden?

1968 – Volvo 145 at San Régis, is it at a hotel in France?

1968 – Volvo 1800 S in the woods.

1968 – Volvo 1800 S with charming woman.

1968 – Volvo 1800 S, is she a known actress?

1968 – Volvo 1800 S at hotel maybe?

1968 – Volvo 1800 S with speedboat.

1968 – Volvo 1800 S in French alps, but where?

1968 – Volvo 1800 S at parking or horse track?

1968 – Volvo 1800 S at parking or horse track, same location as above…

1968 – Volvo 1800 S, where?

1968 – Volvo 1800 S, where?

1968 – Volvo 1800 S, somewhere in Copenhagen, Stockholm or Göteborg?

1966 – Volvo 1800 S near stairs, but where?

1968 - Volvo P220 Amazon, somewhere in Denmark or maybe Skåne, southern Sweden?

1968 – Volvo P220 Amazon, somewhere in Denmark or maybe Skåne or Österlen?

1968 – Volvo 164, somewhere near Alingsås? (Photography by Bernt Lindström for Studio Wezäta)

1968 – Volvo 164, somewhere near Alingsås? (Photography by Bernt Lindström for Studio Wezäta)

1968 – Volvo 164 – Motorföraren 1968 september

1968 – Volvo 164, somewhere near Alingsås? (Photography by Bernt Lindström for Studio Wezäta)

1968 – Volvo 164, somewhere in Göteborg?

1969 – Volvo 142, outside at a store named ‘Allt i En Hatt boutique’, can it be on Landsvägsgatan 5 in Göteborg?

1969 – Volvo 142, outside at a store named ‘Allt i En Hatt boutique’, can it be on Landsvägsgatan 5 in Göteborg?

1969 – Volvo 142, outside at a store named ‘Allt i En Hatt boutique’, can it be on Landsvägsgatan 5 in Göteborg?

1969 – Volvo 142, outside at a store named ‘Allt i En Hatt boutique’, can it be on Landsvägsgatan 5 in Göteborg?

1968 – Volvo Amazon at Allt i En Hatt boutique, can it be on Landsvägsgatan 5 in Göteborg?

1969 – Volvo 142 GT, somewhere in Sweden (or is it Canada since this was produced a short while there)?

1969 – Volvo 164 on coast with palm, maybe in Nice?

1970 – Volvo 1800E or P1800 E at house or villa but where?

1970 - Volvo 164, is this office building from the late 60s still around?

1970 – Volvo 164, is this office building from the late 60s still around? Somewhere in Västerbottenslän, Umeå (AO numberplates)?

1970 – Volvo 164, somewhere at on Volvo office in Göteborg?

1970 – Volvo 164 at office entrance, same as above?

1970 – Volvo 144 – 145 Polis, somewhere at on Volvo office in Göteborg? Same as above?

1971 – Volvo 142 L, somewhere in Sweden or Norway?

1971 – Volvo 1800ES on Swedish west coast, maybe Bohus Malmön or Tjurpannans Naturreservat north of Grebbestad?

1971 – Volvo 1800ES on Swedish west coast, maybe Bohus Malmön or Tjurpannans Naturreservat north of Grebbestad?

1971 – Volvo 1800ES on Swedish west coast, maybe Bohus Malmön or Tjurpannans Naturreservat north of Grebbestad?

1971 – Volvo 1800ES on Swedish west coast, maybe Bohus Malmön or Tjurpannans Naturreservat north of Grebbestad?

1971 – Volvo 1800ES on Swedish west coast, maybe Bohus Malmön or Tjurpannans Naturreservat north of Grebbestad?

1971 – Volvo 1800ES on Swedish west coast, maybe Bohus Malmön or Tjurpannans Naturreservat north of Grebbestad?

1971 – Volvo 1800ES on Swedish west coast, maybe Bohus Malmön or Tjurpannans Naturreservat north of Grebbestad?

1971 – Volvo 164/164E at some Hotel in Germany och Austria, or is it somewhere in Sweden, Denmark or Norway?

1971 – Volvo 142 GL at house in the country, but where?

1971 – Volvo 142 GL at house in the country, but where?

1971 – Volvo 145 (US version) somewhere in Sweden?

1971 – Volvo 145 Express somewhere in Göteborg, but where?

1971 – Volvo 145 Express somewhere in Göteborg, but where?

1971 – Volvo 145 Express Radio & TV Service, could it be at Kungsgatan in Göteborg?

1971 – Volvo 145 Express Radio & TV Service, could it be somewhere in Göteborg?

1972 – Volvo 1800 ES at holiday home in Denmark?

1972 – Volvo 1800 ES at holiday home in Denmark?

1972 – Volvo 1800 ES at hotel or club somewhere in Denmark maybe?

1972 – Volvo 1800 ES at hotel, somewhere in Denmark maybe?

1972 – Volvo 1800 ES at same location as above, but where?

1972 – Volvo 1800 ES, at same location as above?

1972 – Volvo 1800 ES at house, but where?

1972 – Volvo 1800 E and P1800 ES same location, but where?

1972 – Volvo 1800 ES, same location, but where?

1972 – Volvo 1800 ES and 1800 E at cobble beach, in Sweden but where?

1972 – Volvo 1800 ES and 1800 E, same cars from above, now together in a field, but where?

1972 – Volvo 1800 E and Volvo 1800 ES in field, where?

1972 – Volvo 1800 E at sea coast somewhere north os Göteborg?

1972 – Volvo 144, at same place as above?

1972 – Volvo 144, same car as above, different location. Where?

1972 – Volvo 144 from the European delivery brochure, somewhere on the Swedish west coast, but where?

1972 – Volvo 144 from the European delivery brochure, somewhere on the Swedish west coast, but where?

1972 – Volvo 144 De Luxe, same car and same location as above?

1972 – Volvo 1972 at Tourist Delivery Center in Göteborg, but where is this building?

1972 – Volvo 1972 at Tourist Delivery Center in Göteborg, but where is this building?

1972 – Volvo 142 and 145 de Luxe at villa in Göteborg, but where?

1972 – Volvo 142 GL at an Hotel Gasthof (?) in the Oberhausen area in Germany, but where?

1972 – Volvo 164 UK at house, but where?

1972 – Volvo 164 UK on a road in the hills, but where??

1973 – Volvo 1800 ES at country house or hotel on Gotland maybe?

1973 – Volvo 145 Ambulance at large house, in Stockholm or Göteborg?

1973 – Volvo 144 GL, somewhere in a villa area in Göteborg?

1973 - Volvo 164 at waterfalls in Sweden or Norway?

1973 – Volvo 164 at waterfalls in Sweden or Norway? Noticed the same registration plate as above?

1974 – Volvo 144 de Luxe somewhere in Sweden maybe in Skåne but where?

1974 – Volvo 145 in forrest

1974 – Volvo 164E in a garden, where?

1974 – Volvo 164E, at the same location, but where?

1974 – Volvo 164E, same location as above, but where?

1974 – Volvo 164E also at same location, but where?

1974 – Volvo 164 in a park but where?

1974 – Volvo 244 with Polar 470 from Polarvagnen, somewhere in the forrest between Ludvika and Malingsbo but where?

1975 – Volvo 264 DL with horses, could this be at Kulla Gunnarstorp slott in Hittarp, Sweden?

1975 – Volvo 244 DL at Boda Gammelgård or Norrboda gammelstad in Dalarna Sweden?

1975 – Volvo 244 DL at Boda Gammelgård or Norrboda gammelstad in Dalarna Sweden?

1975 – Volvo 244 DL at Boda Gammelgård or Norrboda gammelstad in Dalarna Sweden?

1975 – Volvo 264 GL. also at Boda Gammelgård or Norrboda gammelstad in Dalarna, Sweden?

1975 – Volvo 245 DL at river in Norway, but where?

1975 – Volvo 245 DL in the mountains in Norway, but where?

1975 – Volvo 245 DL at old stone bridge over river in Norway, but where?

1975 – Volvo 164E at beach with rocks, but where?

1975 - Volvo 244 GL in the Swiss or French mountains?

1975 – Volvo 244 GL in the Swiss or French mountains?

1975 – Volvo 244 GL in Swiss, French or German mountains?

1975 - Volvo 264 GL, somewhere at the beach in California, USA?

1975 – Volvo 264 GL, somewhere at the beach in California, USA?

1975 – Volvo 244, somewhere in Sweden, near a golf course?

1975 – Volvo 264 GLE somewhere in Sweden, Uppsala maybe?

1975 – Volvo 264 GLE somewhere in Sweden, Uppsala maybe?

1975 – Volvo 264 GL, somewhere in the same area as above?

1975 – Volvo 244 DL USA at Country Coiffures Beauty Salon MA 69292 USA, but where?

Not a Volvo but an VW 1600 Variant at the same location as above. The information on the building says: “Bill Duanes Finishing Touche Salon MA 69292”

1976 – Volvo 343, somewhere at the coast in Spain, Italy or France?

1976 – Volvo 264 TE, somewhere in Göteborg?

1976 – Volvo 264 TE at Villa, is this in Göteborg?

1973 – Volvo 144 Taxi, at the same house as above. But where?

1976 – Volvo 264 GLE , somewhere in Göteborg?

1976 – Volvo 264 DL USA, somewhere in the USA, east coast maybe?

1976 – Volvo 244 DL, 245 DL and 264 GL somewhere at a lake but where?

1976 – Volvo 244 DL and 245 DL at Eurohus, Villa Continental (?), somewhere in Sweden, but where?

1976 – Volvo 242 DL and 245 DL (USA & Canada) parked at an Eurohus, a popular house model from the late 70s and early 80s, somewhere on the Swedish west coast?

1976 – Volvo 244 GL (US) on road in North America, but where?

1976 – Volvo 265 GL at a park or manege, somewhere on Long Island, USA?

1976 – Volvo 265 GL at a marina somewhere on Long Island, USA?

1976 – Volvo 244 DL in a garden or park, somewhere near Washingtonville or Long Island, USA?

1976 – Volvo 264 GL on a mountain road, somewhere near Washingtonville, USA?

1977 - Volvo 264 GL somewhere in Switzerland or Austria?

1977 – Volvo 264 GL somewhere in Switzerland or Austria?

1977 – Volvo 264 GL at house but where?

1977 – Volvo 264 GL at house in Switzerland, maybe?

1977 – Volvo 262C at the same house, but where?

1977 – Volvo 245 DL at a farm in Sweden?

1977 – Volvo 343, maybe somewhere in west Sweden?

1977 – Volvo 244 DL, maybe somewhere in west Sweden?

1977 – Volvo 245 DL at a loading bay at a company, but where?

1977 – Volvo 264 GLE, at a stuga or red wooden house, but where?

With your help, I managed to identify the following photos (and new pages will follow soon):
Just Found 🇸🇪,
Just Found 🇸🇪 🇸🇪,
Just Found 🇫🇷 🇮🇹,
Just Found 🇩🇰 🇳🇴 🇮🇸,
Just Found 🇪🇸 🇵🇹,
Just Found 🇬🇧 🇿🇦 🇺🇸 🇨🇦 🇦🇺 and
Just Found 🇩🇪 🇧🇪 🇳🇱 🇨🇭 🇦🇹 🇨🇿 🇨🇳 etc!

Volvo Photo Locations
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