Volvo Photo Locations Part 318

2022 – Volvo XC40 B4 Mildhybrid at Lantmännen Silo on Styrmansgatan in Malmö, Sweden 🇸🇪.

2022 – Volvo XC40 B4 Mildhybrid at Lantmännen Silo on Styrmansgatan in Malmö, Sweden 🇸🇪.

2022 – Volvo XC40 B4 Mildhybrid at Lantmännen Silo on Styrmansgatan in Malmö, Sweden 🇸🇪.

2022 – Volvo XC40 Recharge at Lantmännen Silo on Styrmansgatan in Malmö, Sweden 🇸🇪.

2022 – Volvo XC40 Recharge at Lantmännen Silo on Styrmansgatan in Malmö, Sweden 🇸🇪.

2022 – Volvo XC40 Recharge at Lantmännen Silo on Styrmansgatan in Malmö, Sweden 🇸🇪.

2022 – Volvo XC40 Recharge at Lantmännen Silo on Styrmansgatan in Malmö, Sweden 🇸🇪.

2022 – Volvo XC40 Laddhybrid at Lantmännen Silo on Styrmansgatan in Malmö, Sweden 🇸🇪.

2019 – Volvo XC90 Inscription T8 Twin Engine at Nord Mills Lantmännen grain silo on Styrmansgatan in Malmö Sweden 🇸🇪

2019 – Volvo XC90 Inscription T8 Twin Engine at Nord Mills Lantmännen grain silo on Styrmansgatan in Malmö Sweden 🇸🇪

2019 – Lantmännen grain silo on Styrmansgatan in Malmö (Google Streetview)

2019 – Lantmännen grain silo on Styrmansgatan in Malmö (Google Streetview)
Nord Mills Lantmännen grain silo is located on Styrmansgatan and Bassängkajen in Malmö, Sweden.
The grain silo has Nord Mills on the roof, which is the brand for the flour that Lantmännen Cerealia AB sells to bakeries. When the same flour is sold to you and me, private customers, it is usually Kungsörnen on the packaging.
The plant began to be built in the 1880s and many parts have been demolished and rebuilt.
There are no known plans today for the plant to be closed or demolished / rebuilt, but there are two types of forces that indicate that the mill is gone in a few Years. The city is getting closer every year and port areas are now very attractive to city planners and other stakeholders. It is clear that the railroad tracks will soon be removed and that maritime transport to the factory will also cease shortly when the flap bridge is replaced by a fixed bridge.
The second force is the development in the flour market and the ongoing rationalization in the industry and within the Cerealia group. In recent years, milling operations have delivered a profit of approximately SEK 100 million.
About 190,000 tonnes of flour are produced per year. The production is in operation around the clock all year round and is handled by approximately 40 people. About 80% of the flour is delivered in bulk to large customers. No less than 140 different products are offered and these are manufactured according to two main principles. Either different cereals are mixed into a raw material that is then milled, or you either grind the cereals individually and then mix to a final product.
Grinding grain has a long history, but today’s rollers have different speeds to more easily distinguish the bran (peel) from the core.
A silo plant contains inlet, weighing, sampling, cleaning, drying and silos for storage. Grain is optimally stored at a moisture content of no more than 14% and before grinding the grain must be dried. One of the reasons why silos were built in the past was to influence the price. Without storage, all grain had come to the market at about the same time, with low prices as a result. The factory has a total storage capacity of approximately 53,000 tonnes.
Cerealia was formed in 1984 when Lantmännen merged the mill and consumer products into one company. The mill was placed in the newly formed subsidiary Nord Mills AB, a merger of the Kungs eagle’s mills, Mårten Pehrssons Valsqvarn and Helsingborg Kvarn AB. The ore mill was named Nord Mills until around 2008 when it was named Lantmännen Cerealia – Malmö mill.
Today’s intake for trucks was previously an open street, but it is now incorporated into the facility. More history can be found in the report on Malmö Stora Valskvarn.
Between 2009-12, the volume of bag-packed bread decreased by just over 13% and this trend continued during 2013 (source: Skåne-Möllan AB Annual Report 2013). Reducing bread intake is one of the health trends that also affects the flour market. Large industrial bakeries such as Pågen – which has its own mill – have also received increased competition in the stores’ increasing bake-off production.
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