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Posts tagged Donker Curtiusstraat

Snow in Amsterdam

i wish there was more often snow in amsterdam… everything looks so bright!


view from my window on the Donker Curtiusstraat 8-G in Amsterdam Westerpark

A shooting in the street #2

Found out from the news at AT5 and today in the paper ‘het parool’ that the men were not shot in my street. Two groups of criminals had a meeting some where in the neighbourhood. Some ‘conflict’ appeared and they were shooting at each other. When the alarmed police arrived, they got in their cars […]

A shooting in the street

While cleaning up my house, I saw a policecar with lights and alarm driving through the street. Minutes later I saw this green Volkswagen Golf with a smashed driverswindow passing and stopping in the street after making some strange movements. It was obvious he was trying to hide behind this small Italian threewheeled Piaggio-truck. Then […]